#1 Golf Training for Faster Swing Speed and Increased Stablity
Hit Longer Drives and Lower Your Score in Days
Revolutionary new swing speed exercises quickly increase swing speed and stability for longer drives and lower scores!

Become a Longer and More Consistent Driver
3-minute exercises with isometrics and bands release untapped muscular energy that dramatically improves swing speed and makes you a longer driver.
Used by Long Ball Contestants to Increase Swing Speed:
What Makes This Training Different?
Why it Works...
The way we teach it the end result is the entire muscle quickens and strengthens very quickly.
The Resistance Band
The variable resistance properties of the band will isolate and condition your muscles so they react with speed and quickness without adding bulk.
The Exercise
To quickly improve strength, speed and coordination in your swing, the resistance band with isometric training on the muscle and joint movements of the golf swing is exactly what you need.
Who Is Using It and What They Are Saying
Swing Man Golf Advocates the Use of These Exercises as Part of Their Own Swing Training ProgramsThe martial artist Bruce Lee is known for being pound-for-pound one of the fastest and quickest athletes the world has ever seen.
Through my research, I found out that isometrics were a big part of his training regimen.
As I was looking for ways to increase my own golf swing speed, I decided to implement isometrics into my long drive training using the very same bands you can get here at AthleticQuickness.com.
The results were phenomenal! Using the bands to complement my other training techniques, I increased my maximum club head speed to 155 mph and hit an event-record 421-yard drive to win a qualifier for the Remax World Long Drive Championships.
Consequently, we now advocate the use of isometrics training with resistance bands as a part of our overall swing speed training programs at Swing Man Golf.
Isometrics training with resistance bands for higher golf swing speeds and longer drives really do work!
Jaacob Bowden Professional Golfer and Long Drive Champion - www.SwingManGolf.com
“Again, Thanks for the Brilliant Program and the Incredible Success it Brings”Dr. Van Such, For some years, I’ve been using your Golf Program and have gotten great results.
I compete in the RE/MAX long drive competitions, and I feel I have a real shot at making the world finals this year.
Here’s a photo of the swing speed radar I use showing a recent all time best, thanks to your program.
I believe the additional exercises you’ve shared with me will be a great addition and provide an additional 5-7 mph that I feel I’m leaving on the table.
Your program is the best! As a scientist by training, I appreciate this program because it’s not just a theory, it actually works!
Warren Bankston RE/MAX world long drive Regional Championship
“To my amazement my club head speed was clocked at 124”“In the past I have been lifting weights and though ‘looked’ stronger, in actual fact I struggled with my golf swing and distance.
Though I did finish 3rd in the long ball driving championships in Canada (in my age group) I felt I had not reached my potential. I continued to bulk lift and get stronger but realized my distance was not improving. I had to look for something else.
I read about your isometrics program and I have been religiously using your DRIVE LONGER training guide daily, and know first hand that I am beginning to feel well…different. I went to our golf dome a couple of days ago, warmed up, had a Doppler radar velocity sensor that measures the swing speed of the club head and distance.
To my amazement, Dr. Such, my club head speed was clocked at 124. Last year my maximum speed was 110-113. Distance rated last year was 328-335. Distance this year 348-355 yards.
What an amazing transformation. I am really looking forward to hitting the tees once the ranges open.
My friends have nicked named me “Baby Boomer” Nickerson, meaning not only because I was born in 1946, but now more so because I can really drive a ball deep.
I’ll continue with your program. I have already ordered more bands, which I received 2 days ago.
My goal is to make it to the World’s Long Ball Finals in Las Vegas. I know if I get there, I’ll be one of the favorites to win it (In my age group, Super Seniors).
So Dr. Such, I will continue doing what I do with your program and when others ask me how I improved I will certainly promote your DRIVE LONGER Golf exercise program.
Thanks again.”
Gary (Baby Boomer) Nickerson Long Ball Driving Professional
Increases Driving Distance by 30 yards Consistently – Sometimes Up To 60 Yards.“THANK YOU!!! I am very impressed and grateful to your isometric resistance exercise program.
I have been working out with weights in the gym for the past 17 years and I am very strong and fit.
I have now been doing the isometric resistance exercise for 4 months.
I am glad to say that it has helped me to increase my golf driving distance from 200 yards to 230 yards consistently. Occasionally I hit the ball up to 260 yards.
I am now very enthusiastic and determine to gain as much benefits from your exercise program as possible.”
E. Lee Singapore
“58 Year Old Increases Drives by 20 Yards and Shoulder Pain Disappears”“Dr. Van Such,
Your advice helped a great deal and I feel like I now have the workout routine down since I usually play on weekends. I’ve gained 15 – 20 yds. over the last year. I know I’m more flexible as well but that alone didn’t do it.
And as good as that is at 58 yrs. old, I’m more grateful for other benefits. I had an acromioplasty on my left shoulder 2 years ago. Last November, I had made another appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to do it again. The pain was worse than before the first surgery. Fortunately, the appointment was not until January and just before the appointment I decided to postpone. Now, 6 months later, the pain is gone and has been for awhile.
The only reason I have for that is the AthleticQuickness Training. In addition to specifically training the fast twitch fibers, it obviously strengthened the muscles in my entire shoulder and prevented another surgery.
You can be sure I will continue with the AthleticQuickness Training as part of my regular fitness regime.
Thanks again,”
Allison Center Valley, PA
“Swing Was Like No Other I Have Experienced… The Clubhead Was Rocketing Around On Its Own”“The Drive Longer training program is FANTASTIC! My average clubhead speed before the program was 84 mph. Since I am 62 years old I thought it would take a long time to show improvement so I was patient. After 4 weeks my clubhead speed was 87 and stayed there through week 6.
Near the end of week 7 I went to the range and averaged for 30 drives a clubhead speed of 92.8 mph! It was no fluke. Two days later over 30 drives the average was 93.0. My first drive that latest day was 106 mph. I thought something must be wrong with the radar. I had speeds between 85 and 97 for the next 17 shots and then had a 108 mph swing. Three more from 83 to 91 and then a 115! Six more from 87 to 94 and then I couldn’t believe it, my 30th and last drive of the day was 126 mph!!
That swing was like no other I have experienced. It was like the clubhead was rocketing around on its own. The feeling of the clubhead flying through the air was the only sensation I had anywhere in my body.
I’ve only played a couple of rounds since my clubhead speed started picking up. My friends aren’t asking any questions yet, but I can see they are wondering what to say. Thanks for a great program.
… I played a round in an outing today. We played our own balls. Being over 60 I could have played from the whites under the tournament rules. At the first tee I told the others in the foursome I would play from the blues like everyone else just to avoid the inconvenience of using two tee boxes.
They are in their thirties and early forties. I outdrove all of them! I think it rattled the big guy who is probably used to being the longest in his group. He became more wild off the tee as the day progressed.”
G. R. Virginia
What You Get When You Order...

This image represents the Golf Drive Longer Training Manual and the Exercise Videos. The manual and the videos are accessible online. They are not physically delivered.
Complete access to the Golf Drive Longer Training Program, including:
The Member's Training Area
Immediate online access to all the training instructions and exercise videos plus progress charts, training schedules, muscle diagrams, training tips and additional training information.
Optional Downloads
Download, save or print every section in the Swing Speed Training Program including the Workout Summaries, Progress Chart, Training Schedule, Training Instructions and Training Tips.
Download the videos of all 10 swing speed training exercises, playable on your computer, tablet or mobile device.
Exercise Vidoes
The videos demonstrate the 18 training exercises for your hip flexors, hip extensors, hip abductors, hip adductors, knee flexors and knee extensor muscles – all the muscles and exercises needed for faster and stronger swing speed with greater control and stability!
1 additional video showing how to increase the resistance level when using the bands.
Bands: If you need bands check your local Walmart or sporting goods store. You can also order from us with no shipping charges. We recommend flat bands of at least 5' in length.
Contents of the Golf Drive Longer Program:
Section 1 - Welcome and Training Information
Learn about Isometric Training, Muscular Contraction, and the use of Resistance Bands.
Section 2 - Training Instructions and Training Tips
Written instructions and tips on how to get the most from this program.
Section 3 - Training Videos
Instructional videos with detailed explanation showing exactly how to do each of the 18 swing speed training exercises covering muscles of the upper body and the lower body. Plus workout summaries of each exercise for quick reference when needed.
Section 4 - Muscle Charts and Movements
Muscle charts and movements of all the muscles involved in the golf swing.
Section 5 - Progress Chart and Training Schedules
The Progress Chart and Weekly Training Schedule to keep track of your driving distance gains and the training schedule to know which exercises to do each day.
Do Not Delay,
With Faster Swing Speed You Will...
Hit Longer Drives and Irons over Hazards
Become a Better Golfer and Play Longer Courses
Make the Big Shot when the Match is on the Line
Take Your Golf Game to the Higher Levels
Get the Attention of Other Players and Observers
Astonish Friends and Foe alike with Your New Power Drives
Lower Scores and Take Home More Trophies
Feel Great About Your Game and Yourself
Enjoy the Game More Than Ever and Be Inspired to do even Better

Iron Clad
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
When you do these 3 minute exercises you will get faster swing speed with greater control and become a better golfer or else we will gladly refund the entire cost and you can keep all the downloadable material and return nothing – no questions asked.
Place Your Order and Get Started
The sooner you get started the sooner you will be beating all your drive distance records, lowering your scores and feeling great about your swing and your golf game.
Only $29.95! You Can't Beat That!
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Golf Swing Speed Training Program
You now have access to all of the Swing Speed Training exercises and material.
Record your distances and swing speed before and about every 2 weeks to track your progress.
We really want you to do this and become a better golfer
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